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The idea behind Silent Sidelines is to encourage children to play, without fear of criticism or unnecessary interference by people on the sidelines. The scheme is managed by Cheshire FA under the umbrella of the FA’s Respect campaign.

Purpose: The goal of Silent Sidelines is to change the culture at youth football games by promoting positive behaviour and creating a more supportive environment.

Spectator Behaviour:

  • No Calling Out: Spectators, often enthusiastic parents, are not permitted to call out or cheer during the match.
  • Applause Only: Instead, they show their support through applause only.
  • Coaching Staff Behaviour:

    • Coaches are not allowed to shout instructions to their players during the game.
  • Positive Communication: While Silent Sidelines encourage quietness, it doesn’t mean complete silence. All comments that players hear should be positive.


Our new facility at Woodchurch.


Proof of identity and registration has to be provided for a player to be able to play in WJFL. Coaches should print off the team sheet from WGS and have present at EVERY MATCH. This should also show the coaches/ managers registered with the team



The actions of a few people are putting the use of the facility at Leasowe Rec in doubt. No car parking is allowed on the access road or the grass. Some people were asked to move last weekend and refused! The manager at the Leisure Centre has said any repeat and he will stop the games. In fairness to all those Clubs who abide by the rules we will ban any Club where we find either their coach/manager or parent/grandparent etc have parked illegally. Do not ignore this message, if you see anyone parking illegally tell them or we could lose the facility.


The League are trying a new Scoresheet this season which can be downloaded via the link sent to you by your fixture secretary. It can be filled in and sent electronically straight after the match has finished.


From this season, under FA Rules, ALL coaches must have an in date CRC/CBS AND an in date FA Child Safeguarding Certificate
